Hi, my name is Suzy and I'm a Final Boss addict.
Final Boss makes the sour snacks I've been looking for my whole life! I always loved sour candies, but I would suck the sour stuff off the outside & then spit out the gross, overly sweet artificial candy underneath. But never again, because Final Boss is everything I've ever wanted! It's clearly made for psycho sour lovers just like me! The sourness is lasting, perfect deliciousness, and then to have a tart cranberry with just a hint of sweetness is the most perfect, satisfying balance! Plus they are low cal, natural & even have some health benefits, so I don't even feel guilty for indulging in these every day. I'm obsessed! I literally eat these until either my tongue or my teeth can't take anymore, but even then I can't go very long before the jones gets the best of me... Level 2 or 3 Cranberries are my main go-to (I love them equally & don't find them to be all that different from each other), but I have a system where I cycle thru different products depending on the state of my sour burn. I have it down to a science. So yeah, the addiction is real... Never leave me, Final Boss!